New topics:
A Work Room:
and the Final Second Chance opportunity:
It also featured me on facebook asking people about who they support for President, and why. So far it's been a (mostly) civil discussion between people with widely different beliefs. Which is something that I love.
it's not "Some weird relative" and "a friend" going at each other. It's folks I know, and like, who just don't happen to agree on some stuff. Which is OK, because there are things that I like and agree on with each of them - and some things that I *don't* agree on. But I like hearing what they have to say on subjects, even if I don't come away with the same conclusions.
It's what I like in my own life, and it's why Idol is the way that it is. I want all sorts of people to be able to come in and speak their minds about things - and write what *they* want to write. I want to be able to experience that, and thought "Maybe other people would like that too!" Nearly 10 years later, and the experiment seems to have been working out pretty well so far! ;)