This week was “Sexual Ethics” and boy oh boy did we have some fun with this topic!! Well, ok, I had some fun. I can’t speak for the rest of you.
Some really incredible entries out there this time, which means the voting should be interesting.
Could it get MORE interesting? Oh you bet it could!
How about 4 TRIBES instead of 3? How about we throw out the whole division by size of friends lists and get down to division according to performance voting wise over the last week and a half… yes, I said “and a half”… which is what created the “x-factor” that no one could predict, when exactly I was going to take the snapshot of the numbers from last week’s poll!
We are sending 4 people home this week, the person with the least amount of votes in each tribe. Which means that “safety zone” a lot of people thought they were in has just turned out to be located directly over a trap door!
Some were moved up from their last tribal position. Some were moved down, which included a lot of the people who have used up their byes… meaning week to week Tribe 1 is in severe danger of shrinking fast! It also means we will be saying goodbye to people in Tribe 4 – people that no one expected to be going for a really, really long time. That was the part that I said was going be a heart breaker for me because pretty much every single member of that tribe is extremely high profile in the community!
As always you can vote for as many, or few people as you like in each tribe. The only way your favorites are going to stay in this game is if you support them! The deadline for voting is Monday December 10th at 1pm EST.
Anyway. So here we are. We have your entries. We have your tribes set. You have your deadline. Now all we need is to say
You can haz voting now.
Good luck.
Tech Support Note - I sacrificed my lunch for this.
The Ballot:
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The Ballot:
The Ballot:
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