clauderainsrm (clauderainsrm) wrote in therealljidol,

Our Friend Erica_Crawford

When I said that I had "special announcements" to make today, this one wasn't even on my radar.

But when I got up I received an email telling me the news.

There are so many contestants who come in and out of this place every season - and you get to know some of them, and with others you have pleasant interactions but never really get the chance to become friends.

That's what it was like for me and erica_crawford (aka meirion) I would enjoy entries and whenever she would post in the Green Room. But we never really talked outside of that.

Which is a shame.

For those who don't know, she passed away on the 17th.

She will most definitely be missed.


Please no one else die out there. OK? Not to make this tragedy "all about me" - but I'll do it anyway - I've really had enough of it.
Tags: erica_crawford, memorial, season 9

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