(What do you mean "What's the Great Turkey?" He comes into your house on Thanksgiving Eve and leaves presents and fully cooked feasts for all the *good people of the world*. Well, maybe *that's* why you don't get visited....)
What's your Favorite thing in this week's poll: http://therealljidol.livejournal.com/809247.html ?
Heck, what's your Favorite thing in our Amazon store: http://astore.amazon.com/li0cd-20 ?
What are some of your Favorite books (that you think we should add to the "Other Books You Might Enjoy" section, for others to check out)?
Or you could always just type in your Favorite number into that Paypal link from yesterday. :P http://therealljidol.livejournal.com/809887.html
How likely to do you think "Favorites" is going to be something that shows up sometime soon? ;)