The best laid plans of mice and men sometimes end up slipping through a crack or two. Which is what happened this time. I set up the new tribes, and wham - we had a bunch of drops and bye-outs that ended up impacting the set-up more than I would have liked. But, we play the course we are given, not the one we would prefer.
Before we get to the action, it’s time to say goodbye to some people.
Those dropping this week are:
Those who used their final bye in a previous week, and missed the deadline are: iamapremo, illittorate, yuniebaby, ____hejira, alifetolove, phoenixejc, teddyescher, colonelperry42n, inawrites, letthemtakeit, superhappytime
Some old Idol friends, as well as folks that I was really enjoying getting to know. Even a real life friend in this particular batch.
It’s horrible to see them go. But hopefully they will Home Game, and take advantage of the chance to come back into the game later in the season, when the chance comes.
As for the rest of you - Idol marches forward!
This is our first COMMUNITY ONLY vote, which means that if you wish to vote, that means you need to join the community. Fortunately, it’s an easy thing to do! If you want other people to vote for you, that means they need to join as well! :)
Getting people active in the community is always a good thing, and encouraging them to read, comment and vote for their favorites is only going to make their own lives better! :)
The lowest vote-getter from each tribe will be eliminated!
The poll will close Thursday, April 24t at 10pm EDT
Good luck to everyone!
The Ballot:
The Ballot:
The Ballot:
The Ballot: