Seriously though, this got me thinking (never a good thing) about how you get from that to "I disagree with what you say, and F- you" culture that that we see in every day culture today (especially online).
Is there room for not liking a person or what they are saying, but finding that nugget of truth in their words? Can someone be a scumbag and still be able to create things worth enjoying? Are they "fruits of a poisonous tree"?
The more I see of 'net culture, the more that I wonder if it's possible to move forward in a way that isn't "destroy anyone who disagrees with any part of what I'm saying"
Or, are those just the loudest voices - and the loudest ones are often the people who should be ignored, because they are just talking to hear themselves speak?
If you want to speak with your votes - tell us who you loved this week, and who needs to move on to Week 4!
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