I like to imagine that the search involved hanging out at various fast food joints.
Apparently, it only took her 3 weeks to find, thanks to social media.
My search, however, is going to take a lot longer than that! It's already been two weeks, and all over the place on social media, and yet I am only a little bit closer to finding the Winner of Season 9 of LJ Idol! Maybe you can check out this custom flyer (aka the poll) http://therealljidol.livejournal.com/719384.html and see if you can help!
I'm hoping that, eventually, they are going to show up. Who knows, maybe they are already here and just have yet to come forward!
While we are waiting for that to happen, if you want to go over to the Killing Floor and offer some constructive criticism, I'm sure that would be very much appreciated. http://therealljidol.livejournal.com/719625.html
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