Last week, there were 8. Now there are 9.
Correction,padf00t missed the deadline and now there are once again 8.
It’s a difficult thing to get this close to the end and then need to drop. I hope that everything is OK.
Thank you for all of the awesome entries!
As for the rest of you, your opponent was picked by spinning The Wheel of Doom three times and feeding the cheese that it landed on to the Mouse of Destiny, who was given eight plates. The ones that got pooped on first were paired together, and so on…
Either that, or it’s a Community Only poll. One of those two things is happening.
If it’s the latter, then it’s a really good time to make sure people know about the wonders of Idol!
There are only 8 entries, so it won’t kill them to come on in and check out all of the awsomeness! Or, if it does kill them, then you know some weak people, and the genetic pool is better off without them!
The poll closes Monday, Sept 9th at 9pm EDT and we will be losing the bottom two.
Good luck to everyone!
The Ballot: