The Week 0 poll:
The Week 1 topic:
Your kids and/or friends and family... you can skip this last one though if you haven't gotten to the first two. Seriously, they can wait! ;)
A couple more housekeeping items, due to expanding the "75" base to accomodate base you may have noticed that we are over that number. Which means that 2 months will probably be closer to 2 1/2. Just giving you a heads up! Considering that there are already cries of "How can I read this many entries while writing my entries!" I figure you probably don't want me to speed thngs even more than I already am! Or maybe you do... *cacklles as he puts hand on "Speed Up" button* :D
The forementioned poll closes tonight and the deadline for your Week 1 entry is tomorrow. Things are about to get interesting!
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