clauderainsrm (clauderainsrm) wrote in therealljidol,

Green Room - Week 1 - Day 2

There are a couple things out there that require your attention:

The Week 0 poll:
The Week 1 topic:
Your kids and/or friends and family... you can skip this last one though if you haven't gotten to the first two. Seriously, they can wait! ;)

A couple more housekeeping items, due to expanding the "75" base to accomodate base you may have noticed that we are over that number. Which means that 2 months will probably be closer to 2 1/2. Just giving you a heads up! Considering that there are already cries of "How can I read this many entries while writing my entries!" I figure you probably don't want me to speed thngs even more than I already am! Or maybe you do... *cacklles as he puts hand on "Speed Up" button*   :D


The forementioned poll closes tonight and the deadline for your Week 1 entry is tomorrow. Things are about to get interesting!
Tags: day 02, exhibit a, green room, week 1

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  • Topic 1 - Home Game

    For those NOT making the trek over to Dreamwidth, and thus not playing this season, I'm going to try to put the Home Game here for you to play along…

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