clauderainsrm (clauderainsrm) wrote in therealljidol,

Green Room - Week 23 - Day 7

We’ve got a poll:
And special powers:

Next, I’m tying you to the roof of my car, because it’s just like a rollercoaster. You’ll going to LOVE it!! It’s good enough for Seamus Romney, it’s good enough for you!

Ah, the good old 80s, where everything was “OK” and the future was filled with the possibilities of what could be screwed up next!
As an example – how many current Idolers were actually born in the 80s!! What a horrible decade, that will likely go down as when everything went wrong! ;)

Unlike right now, in Idol, which will go down as the time when everything had already gone so completely wrong that there wasn’t much you could do except put your head down and hope for the best!
Tags: day 07, green room, season 8, week 23

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    It’s time to click on some boxes! But before you get to that, I’m going to say a few words that you will ignore. Yes. I can see you. You are eyeing…

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