Speaking of that, with the end of Week 4 fast approaching, that means that we have been together a little over a month! (counting the sign up period). Sure, it makes sense, given the whole “week 4”ness, but it’s interesting, because from where I’m sitting, things are just barely getting started!
But there is also the sense of having been together a lot longer than that! I’m not even just talking about the veterans! I think the newbies have been making a strong presence, and establishing themselves to put their mark on the place, this season. Which is wonderful to see.
Speaking of the end of Week 4, and making your mark on Idol – the poll closes tonight http://therealljidol.livejournal.com/497416.html - so make sure to get out and vote. Make sure your favorites are around for another week! Read. Comment. Vote!
There are still quite a few contestants, and a good chance that there are some that are falling between the cracks! If there is someone not doing as well as you think they should be doing – spread the word! Let people know what they are missing!
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