The first vote tends to be one of those that get your attention. Not just because it suddenly becomes "real" that we will be losing people in the process - but because there tends to be so many contestants, that getting lost in the shuffle is all too easy. Which means they have the risk of ending up on the bottom by the time those polls close.
Which means that it becomes even more important to let people know what they are missing!
You stumble across a new band you love - you let your friends know about a particular song, or try to drag them to the show. You rave about a book you just read, or a new restaurant you just happened by and decided to stop in. This is the same principle at work - if you believe in it, and don't say anything, you can't be surprised if no one else does.
I wish that I had more to talk about today. Like switching up tribal alliances or something. ;)
But right now I'm focused on just how much fun I am going to be having with you with Week 3, and how Tribe 10 is going to be formed. :D! Looking forward to it.
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