clauderainsrm (clauderainsrm) wrote in therealljidol,

Results - Week 21

This is one of those week's where I'm really glad that it was public voting and not "Gary only". One, because I think I would have had a very difficult time making this decision - and more importantly, that it's one of those weeks where you hope that the most people possible are coming out to read.

It was just that good!

The question that everyone has been wondering is "What team did amenquohi end up joining? With an odd number of contestants, she didn't end up getting picked as anyone's partner. Which made her a Wild Card, capable of jumping onto any team she wanted. From the "Bastard Step Child" to the "Queen of Idol" for a week! Not bad at all! :)

Who did she pick? She joined forces with redvelvetgrrl and superhappytime! With those combined totals, they are more than safe.

In what seems to be a tradition here, in particular with this season, the vote came down to a couple votes. I know, it doesn't do anyone leaving any good to know, but it was almost a 6-team tie!

As it though, we have to say goodbye to people. If I would have had to pick at the start of this week, it's not a combination of people leaving that I would have foreseen. But, I guess that's why we put it out there.

Regardless, though, all of them have made it into the Top 50. Of the four, three of them are veterans and another a long-time supporter with an interesting connection, trying her hand for the first time.

Goodbye to (although hopefully not from the Home Game and hanging around!)

furzicle and shadowwolf13
myrna_bird and spydielives
Tags: eliminations, season 7, week 21

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