clauderainsrm (clauderainsrm) wrote in therealljidol,


Before we have the results, we have the reveal! :)

The Gatekeepers step out of the shadows and into the light as they stand aside one at a time to reveal who will be walking through, and which runs are sadly coming to an end.

Some of them are familiar faces, others you might not know right away. I’ll try to explain those ones. :)

Of course we have some previous winners

tru2myart - Winner of Season 2
chite - Winner of Season 4
boxsofrain - Winner of Season 5
beautyofgrey - Winner of Season 6

We also have Jason Snyder. He doesn’t have an LJ but when I asked him if he wanted me to pimp something, he sent me this: He has work in Volumes 1 and 3.

More importantly though, those of you who know your Idol History(tm) know that before I came up with Idol I ran a season of something called “Fanfic Survivor”. People I knew from fanfic (and some I knew from real life) facing each other in Survivor-on-the-internet type challenges involving writing. It was a lot of fun even if the format wasn’t quite “right”. :)

Jason was the first and only winner of Fanfic Survivor. Thus he’s “sort of” Idol Family. :) Without him, and the others who played, and the fun we had - there wouldn’t be an Idol.

Who else was in the mix? A couple newbies this year, contestants who, had real life not interfered, I think would have had a really good chance of being on the other side of things:
and one former contestant in both Idol *and* Fanfic Survivor: adpaz!

And? Yes there’s more “ands”:
People who shouldn’t need an introduction - other than I’m introducing everyone:
(some random person that I found on the street. . . I doubt anyone knows who she is though. . .)
and the always colorful and opinionated lordrexfear!

The final Gatekeeper is under figure like Jason who hasn’t played Idol before. But he was the very first writer who ever talked about my own work online. I know he would rather that I was spending my time working on my own work, but I’m grateful that he agreed to help out with Gatekeeper duties in Idol. He no longer has his barryreese account, but that’s who he is - Barry Reese.

Thank you to all of you for your assistance, the time and consideration you put into making your individual decisions.
Tags: gatekeepers, season 7, week 19

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