"The new main competition topic is up http://community.livejournal.com/therealljidol/412319.html
and you can read, and vote on Second Chance entries http://community.livejournal.com/therealljidol/412468.html
and of course there is a Work Room http://community.livejournal.com/therealljidol/412889.html has some really good ideas floating around there (as well as POST YOUR HOME GAME ENTRIES!)"
So there you go, everything you need to know today.
Other than your sign has changed.
I wonder what "Stop" means now. Has that been altered as well?
"Slow Children" is now "Lane Merges"?
Darn those stars and their tricky ways!
I knew they were up to something after "Set Yourself on Fire"!!
It's Friday!! Hopefully your week will end on a high note! Or at least a note!!
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