Two entries. Two polls. A and B.
Part A was the normal week - it's a "normal" poll. Open to one and all.
Part B was the surprise topic. It's a friends only poll! (You need to be a member of the community in order to vote)
A curveball in the middle of a fastball in the middle of a hockey puck.
Or as some would call it, "Pretty much a normal day".
The contestant with the lowest vote total in each poll will be eliminated. (In the case that those entries were created by the same contestant, the next lowest will be eliminated of course. Basically there will be two contestants total eliminated.)
The polls will close Tuesday June 29th at 9pm EDT, to give folks a little more time to read and enjoy both sets of entries. (You definitely WILL!!)
So remember to read, enjoy, vote - and tell a friend!!
Good luck to everyone.
The Ballot:
The Ballot: