Kind of fitting that it's this week's topic!!!
The deadline to link your entry back here is Wednesday April 21st at 8pm EDT
Have fun!!
Just a reminder that your entries are due on the 9th - https://therealljidol.livejournal.com/1182999.html and you don't HAVE to be the perverts…
The new prompt is up: https://therealljidol.livejournal.com/1182999.html and it's the start to a new week. For me, one of the other departments…
Another week comes to an end as the polls close and the dust settles. The two with the fewest votes this week will be receiving a strike. 1 of…
Just a reminder that your entries are due on the 9th - https://therealljidol.livejournal.com/1182999.html and you don't HAVE to be the perverts…
The new prompt is up: https://therealljidol.livejournal.com/1182999.html and it's the start to a new week. For me, one of the other departments…
Another week comes to an end as the polls close and the dust settles. The two with the fewest votes this week will be receiving a strike. 1 of…
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