I hope everything is OK and that you will be joining us for the Home Game!
People have asked me "Gary, when is the last week of Intersections?"
I can answer that:
It was last week.
I hope everyone had a wonderful time with their special Idol Valentines this week -
I never said a single word about them being your Intersection Partners!!! :D
This week is a Contestant Only Vote which means it works a little differently. It is open to CURRENT CONTESTANTS ONLY and you will be emailing me your ballot at either clauderainsrm@gmail.com or via LJ. (note: Once your ballot has been counted I will send you back notification.)
You can vote for up to 50 entries, that can be found at the topic post: http://community.livejournal.com/therealljidol/301500.html
(for you wanting a list - http://ljidol.info now has one up of all the entries!)
Ballots need to be to me by Friday Feb 19th at 8pm EST If I receive all the votes before that, I will announce it before that. :)
We will be eliminating approximately 8 contestants this round. (as with the Gatekeeper, it depends on where the cut off ends up being.)
Good luck. Good reading, and What the Hell - Good luck again ! :)
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