I can't believe you did that!
Seriously. What were you thinking?
Did you really think you could get away with just going around doing something *that* stupid and I wouldn't notice? Or care? You couldn't have thought "Oh, Gary won't care if I did this." *shakes head* There's just no way. You knew. You knew and you didn't care. Well, you know what F- you too!!!
You keep saying that you care, but when it matters you show your true colors. Don't think I don't notice. Don't think I'm not remembering who I can and can not trust at the end of the day.
What? Oh wait. Um hi.
Welcome to the Week 10 Voting!
What was I. . . oh, nothing. That wasn't directed at anyone. Or maybe it was. It's hard to tell some days!
Maybe it was directed at YOU. Are you vain enough to think so???
Maybe ALL of this week's posts are about you too!!! Or maybe just every other one.
There's only one way to find out, click the links and get reading!
Then vote for your favorites to stay in the running!
As always, you can vote for as many, or as few, entries as you want. The tribes have been shifted around thanks to our three new tribal leaders!
Sadly 2 contestants did not make the deadline and have been automatically eliminated. They are:
8673 and peta_andersen
Two extremely promising "newbies". Hopefully we will continue to see them around these parts!
This time around voting is for community members only. So make sure you join the community!! It's the only way to make sure your voice is heard to keep your favorites.
Voting starts now and ends on Monday December 8th at 7 pm EST. An extended vote for an extended deadline! Good luck to everyone.
The Ballot:
The Ballot:
The Ballot:
Voting Note:
For technical reasons pinkslit had to change the location of her entry. Unfortunately the way LJ is set up you can't change the poll itself without scrapping the poll. So I am pasting the NEW LOCATION here:
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