clauderainsrm (clauderainsrm) wrote in therealljidol,

Green Room - Week 22 - Day 3

Got a little challenge for you guys. If you're up to it.*G*

I want you to take a minute, and write down your 3 best ideas for topics. I was going to say 1, but I want to try to fit in as many as I can in the remaining time we have (heh, did I say that out loud?*g*) and that gives more leeway to pick and choose from them. Then email them to me at

I was originally just looking for ones from current contestants - but what the hell, let's hear from all of you. Flood my email with YOUR TOPIC IDEAS. (as opposed to spam, I already get enough of that thanks.*g*) The ideas that I think will be a good fit just might be showing up soon. Who knows, YOU might just create the NEW "Most Hated Topic EVER!".*G*

Don't post them here. Why? Because then people can prepare themselves for them. If they know what's coming, where's the fun in that????

Anyway, get thinking and emailing - and thank you!


Now that's out of the way, so what's going on?

(and who is going to be 23rd? We know the likely folks who will be FIRST, FIRST, FIRST to post? But who will be 23rd?That's a valid mystery!*g*)
Tags: day 03, green room, season 4, week 22

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