I awoke and found myself still here. Which is sad. But it could be worse. I could have woken up to the Portfolio challenge! https://therealljidol.livejournal.com/1159535.html
or last night's results: https://therealljidol.livejournal.com/1159176.html
Granted, I did wake up to those things. But I also posted those things last night. So I don't think it counts!
I've been watching the first season of The Watchmen. I'm almost done. I wasn't sure at first how it related to the comic. But after the first few episodes, it really takes off in that direction and now at the penultimate episode, it's one of those "how could anyone think that it's NOT related" moments. I'm not sure how much people who haven't read it/seen the movie will understand. I think folks will still enjoy it for what it is, but there are definitely levels that pay off for the fans. Which is always a lot of fun.