clauderainsrm (clauderainsrm) wrote in therealljidol,

Green Room - Week 13 - Day 6

I'm listening to a podcast about the 10th anniversary of Rob Has a Podcast. In it, he's talking about his original story (about getting it off the ground and finding his way). It's funny, because I didn't realize everything that was going on during that shaky first year. I came in somewhere in the middle of it, and recall "going back and listening to ALL the content". Back when you could still do that.

It makes me think back to my own time with Idol, and just how lucky I've been to keep this thing going for nearly 14 years! (By the time this season is over we should be around that mark)

We are nowhere near as big or successful as Rob. But then again, I also haven't been in a position to grow this into it's own business. It's still very much a hobby (at some points a second, or even first job. Depending on what's going on at the time! :D)

Every time I think "yeah, I might as well fold this up", something comes up and makes me keep going. So, thank you for that!


Part of what keeps me going is getting to read great entries like the ones in this week's poll:

I'm sure the ones in the Second Chance are good as well. But I haven't read all of them yet. The deadline to get those entries in is TONIGHT!
Tags: day 06, green room, season 11, week 13

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